Tuesday 15 May 2012

Eyeball scrawls: National Flash Fiction Day

"Blah blah blah blah."


"Blah blah blah blah."

This will be the sound of the #Flashtag writing gang tomorrow (May 16th) as we visit as many iconic Manchester venues as possible for National Flash Fiction Day. We'll turn up somewhere, splat out a very short story and then run off to our next venue.

It's designed to be a seven-hour, gruelling storython to persuade people to go to Bad Language at 3 Minute Theatre at 7.30pm.

Venues for the daytime tour are manifold and ridiculous. They include museums, university places, arty places, a spaceship (not actually) and a well-known Manchester swimming pool (yes actually).

There must be dozens of venues on the way. We start at 10am and finish at teatime. If you want to keep up with us, keep an eye on our #flashtag Twitter feed throughout the day.

"Blah blaaaaah blah blah."

Chase us!

"Blaaaaaah blaaaaaah BLAAAH."

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